Java Programming Course

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Course of Programming Courses

Java Programming Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Java

Objective: Understand the basics of Java, its history, and how to set up a Java development environment.

  1. What is Java?

    • History and evolution of Java
    • Features and benefits of Java (platform independence, object-oriented, multithreaded, etc.)
    • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) vs Java Development Kit (JDK)
    • Introduction to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and how it works
  2. Setting Up the Java Development Environment

    • Installing Java JDK and setting up the environment variables
    • Introduction to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans
    • Writing and running your first Java program ("Hello, World!")
  3. Understanding Java Program Structure

    • Basic structure of a Java program: public class, main(), statements
    • The importance of classes and methods in Java
    • Compiling and running Java programs from the command line and IDE
  4. Basic Input and Output

    • Using System.out.println() for output
    • Accepting user input using Scanner class
    • Reading data from the console and handling different types of input

Module 2: Variables, Data Types, and Operators

Objective: Learn about Java’s data types, variables, and operators, and how to perform basic operations.

  1. Java Variables and Constants

    • Declaring variables and assigning values
    • Primitive data types: int, float, char, boolean, double, long, short, byte
    • Working with constants: final keyword
    • Type conversion and casting (automatic and explicit)
  2. Operators in Java

    • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %
    • Relational operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
    • Logical operators: &&, ||, !
    • Assignment operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=
    • Bitwise operators: &, |, ^, <<, >>, >>>
    • Unary operators: ++, --, +, -, !
  3. Control Flow Statements

    • Conditional statements: if, else if, else, switch-case
    • Looping structures: for, while, do-while
    • Using break and continue to control loop flow
    • Understanding the importance of nested loops and control structures

Module 3: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

Objective: Master the core object-oriented principles used in Java.

  1. Classes and Objects

    • Understanding the concept of classes and objects in Java
    • Defining classes with fields (attributes) and methods (functions)
    • Creating objects from classes using the new keyword
    • Instance vs static variables and methods
  2. Encapsulation

    • What is encapsulation and why it is important in Java
    • Defining private variables and providing public getter and setter methods
    • Understanding access modifiers: private, public, protected, and default
    • Best practices for data hiding and encapsulation
  3. Inheritance

    • Understanding inheritance and the extends keyword
    • Superclasses and subclasses, parent-child relationships
    • Method overriding vs method overloading
    • Using super keyword to call parent class methods and constructors
  4. Polymorphism

    • What is polymorphism and its types (method overriding and method overloading)
    • Understanding dynamic method dispatch and runtime polymorphism
    • Using interfaces and abstract classes to achieve polymorphism
  5. Abstraction

    • Introduction to abstraction and abstract classes
    • Using abstract methods and classes in Java
    • Interfaces: defining interfaces and implementing them in classes

Module 4: Arrays and Collections

Objective: Learn how to work with arrays, and understand Java’s Collection Framework.

  1. Arrays in Java

    • Declaring and initializing arrays
    • Accessing and updating elements of an array
    • Multidimensional arrays (2D arrays)
    • Array manipulation: sorting, searching, and iterating over arrays
  2. Java Collections Framework

    • Overview of the Collections Framework and its components
    • Working with List, Set, and Map interfaces
    • Using ArrayList, HashSet, HashMap, and other collection classes
    • Iterating over collections using iterators and enhanced for loop
  3. ArrayList and LinkedList

    • Using ArrayList for dynamic arrays
    • Using LinkedList for linked data structures
    • Differences between ArrayList and LinkedList
    • Performing common operations: add, remove, get, set, contains, size
  4. Sets and Maps

    • Working with HashSet, TreeSet, and LinkedHashSet
    • Understanding Map interface and working with HashMap, TreeMap, and LinkedHashMap
    • Iterating through maps using entry sets and key sets
    • Difference between Set and List

Module 5: Exception Handling

Objective: Learn how to handle errors and exceptions gracefully in Java.

  1. Introduction to Exceptions

    • What are exceptions and why they occur?
    • Types of exceptions: Checked vs Unchecked exceptions
    • try, catch, and finally blocks
    • Throwing exceptions with throw keyword
  2. Common Exception Types

    • Common exceptions in Java: NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException, SQLException
    • Using Multiple catch blocks
    • Handling custom exceptions
  3. Creating Custom Exceptions

    • Defining custom exception classes by extending Exception or RuntimeException
    • Throwing and catching custom exceptions
    • Creating meaningful error messages for custom exceptions
  4. Exception Propagation

    • How exceptions propagate in Java (the call stack)
    • Using throws keyword to declare exceptions
    • Understanding throws vs throw

Module 6: File Handling

Objective: Understand how to read from and write to files in Java.

  1. Working with Files in Java

    • Using File class to represent files and directories
    • Checking file existence, creating, and deleting files
    • Understanding file paths and directories
  2. Reading Files

    • Reading text files using FileReader and BufferedReader
    • Reading binary files using FileInputStream
    • Handling IOException when reading files
  3. Writing Files

    • Writing to text files using FileWriter and BufferedWriter
    • Writing binary data using FileOutputStream
    • Appending data to files
  4. Serialization

    • Understanding serialization and deserialization
    • Using ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream
    • Making a class serializable with Serializable interface

Module 7: Java 8 Features (Lambda Expressions and Streams)

Objective: Learn the new features introduced in Java 8, including lambda expressions and Streams API.

  1. Lambda Expressions

    • What are lambda expressions and why they are useful
    • Syntax of lambda expressions: (parameters) -> expression
    • Functional interfaces: Runnable, Comparator, and custom functional interfaces
    • Using lambda expressions with collections and functional interfaces
  2. Streams API

    • Introduction to Streams: Stream interface, filter, map, reduce, collect
    • Creating streams from collections and arrays
    • Intermediate vs terminal operations
    • Working with Collectors and Optional class
  3. Method References

    • What are method references in Java and their types: static, instance, and constructor references
    • Using method references with lambda expressions
    • Example: Using method references with streams and collections
  4. Default Methods in Interfaces

    • Introduction to default methods and their advantages
    • Using default methods to add new behavior to interfaces without breaking existing code
    • Overriding default methods in implementing classes

Module 8: Multithreading and Concurrency

Objective: Understand how to manage concurrent tasks and create multithreaded applications in Java.

  1. Introduction to Multithreading

    • What is a thread and how to create threads in Java
    • Implementing Runnable interface and extending Thread class
    • Managing thread lifecycle: start(), sleep(), join()
  2. Thread Synchronization

    • Understanding race conditions and thread safety
    • Synchronizing methods and blocks with synchronized
    • Using wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() for inter-thread communication
  3. Executor Framework

    • Using Executor, ExecutorService, and ThreadPoolExecutor for thread management
    • Submitting tasks and managing thread pools
    • Using Callable and Future for concurrent execution
  4. Concurrency Utilities

    • Working with CountDownLatch, CyclicBarrier, and Semaphore
    • Using ForkJoinPool for parallelism in divide-and-conquer tasks

Course Outcome

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Have a solid understanding of Java programming fundamentals and core concepts
  • Be proficient in object-oriented programming (OOP) and Java’s key features
  • Master Java's collections framework, file handling, and exception handling
  • Be able to create multi-threaded applications and manage concurrency in Java
  • Understand modern Java features like Lambda Expressions, Streams API, and default methods
  • Be prepared to work on real-world Java projects, including desktop applications, web applications, and enterprise software

Target Audience:
This course is designed for beginners to intermediate learners who want to become proficient in Java programming. It is suitable for anyone interested in developing applications, working with backend technologies, or pursuing careers in software development and programming.